Google Safety Center
Google Safety Center
Google Safety Center

Safety Center

Safety Center

With the success of the Safety campaign, Google enlisted R/GA to reimagine their Safety Center. This was no small undertaking, considering the Safety Center is one of Google’s most trafficked and complex websites. Building upon the illustration style from the recent Safety campaign, our team was tasked with organizing a large amount of content in a helpful way, with a key focus on showcasing all the ways Google keeps users safe online. In alignment with one of Google’s core brand pillars, trust, we launched the Google Safety Center to provide information about their data and privacy practices as a company and throughout their products.



Safety Center

Safety Center



Visual Design

Visual Design









Figma Prototype
Figma Prototype
Figma Prototype

Working alongside the Google Brand Standards team, I built upon the Google design system by adding new modules to create a templated page. This template was shared across product teams as a creative guide for how to show the ways Google builds in privacy and security to all their products.

Working alongside the Google Brand Standards team, I built upon the Google design system by adding new modules to create a templated page. This template was shared across product teams as a creative guide for how to show the ways Google builds in privacy and security to all their products.

Working alongside the Google Brand Standards team, I built upon the Google design system by adding new modules to create a templated page. This template was shared across product teams as a creative guide for how to show the ways Google builds in privacy and security to all their products.

Family Link Ads
Family Link Ads
Family Link Ads